School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is a whole-school framework which provides staff at Movelle with an approach to promote improved behaviour at our school.
At Movelle Primary School we use the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Framework (SWPBS) to create an environment where our students thrive with their social, emotional and academic learning.
SWPBS is a school-wide approach to help support, define, teach and reinforce positive behaviours of ALL students. The school-wide approach to discipline focuses on building a safe and positive environment in which all students can learn.
In both 2022 and 2021, Movelle Primary School was awarded GOLD for our implementation of the School-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) with fidelity. Only two schools in Victoria have been awarded this recognition. This is a fabulous achievement. This would not happen without a team of dedicated staff and leaders. It is such an honor to receive this award.
Foundational Elements of SWPBS
The four critical features of SWPBS include:
SWPBS Implementation Model
The inclusion of Movelle Primary’s school-wide Matrix of Expected Behaviour aligns with our schools Vision, Mission and Values and each expected behaviour is explicitly taught, modelled and reinforced in every classroom and throughout the school.
Movelle Primary School’s Ramsey Reward System
Movelle’s Ramsey Rewards System assists staff in teaching students appropriate behaviour. All staff members are able to award students who have been demonstrating our School Values Respect, Responsibility, Resilience ad Relationships.
Our school mascot is ‘Ramsey the Rabbit’ and we use our mascot to reinforce our behavioural standards.